First year meeting Archivi - EReTech - EU project Electrified Reactor Technology


1 July 2023

On 1st June 2023 EReTech part­ners met for their 12th Month meet­ing of Project, orga­nized by our part­ner CERTH. Part­ners report­ed on project activ­i­ties and had dis­cus­sions on how to achieve the best out­comes and project results. Addi­tion­al­ly, all part­ners con­tributed to future project devel­op­ments and deci­sions in order to com­plete suc­cess­ful­ly fore­seen activ­i­ties and tasks. Activ­i­ties and achieve­ments are con­fi­den­tial, but we can report some few notes on the meet­ing activ­i­ties!

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25 May 2023

It is ongo­ing the 12th Month meet­ing of EreTech project in Thes­sa­loní­ki, 1st June 2023!
The main goals of the meet­ing are the assess­ment of the project activ­i­ties devel­oped dur­ing this first year of work and dis­cus­sions on next steps. Notes about the project progress will be pub­lished soon, STAY TUNED!

Project Partners

Grant agree­ment ID: 101058608
Start date   1 June 2022
End date   30 Novem­ber 2025
Elec­tri­fied Reac­tor Tech­nol­o­gy